Happiness :)

The Science of Happiness

            The quest for many people’s lives is to be happy but can happiness be controlled and if so, how? Can one choose to live a happy lifestyle through their everyday lives? Although life can throw curve balls that can make people happy or unhappy, the outcome of the situations can be controlled by the way a person chooses to handle it. People can choose to be happy in many ways including: performing acts of kindness, exercise and being around people they enjoy.

“Synthetic happiness is every bit as real and enduring as the kind of happiness you stumble upon when you get exactly what you were aiming for.” Dan Gilbert says in his Ted talk The Surprising Science of Happiness. Studies show that a man who has recently won the lottery and a man who has recently become paraplegic have the same level of happiness a year after. That shows that your happiness depends on how one handles a situation. If you become paraplegic and think “I’m never going to be happy again.” or “My life is over.” Then you won’t be as happy then if you just saw is as a hurdle you need to get over. “We synthesize happiness but we think happiness is a thing to be found.” Dan Gilbert said in his Ted Talk. “The top line: If we are actively involved in trying to reach a goal, or an activity that is challenging but well suited to our skills, we experience a joyful state called “flow.”  The experience of flow in both professional and leisure activities leads to increased positive affect, performance, and commitment to long-term, meaningful goals.” a scientist named Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi proves in his study on flow. People synthesize happiness through things like hobbies and friends but they still search of happiness as if it’s a nearly unattainable idea that can be found. A big part of experiencing happiness is find flow.

Washington has the 4th highest depression according to Wallethub.com. Washington also has one the highest technology use such cellphone and tablets. Could these things be tied together?  How is Technology affecting our happiness? “What kind of world were we creating where, through technology, we could remove what we don’t like and skip straight to only that which we wanted” Allison Josephs said in her article Is Happiness Decreasing Our Happiness? Technology can be decreasing our happiness because instead of spending time paying attention to the world around you or getting outside we get so invested in our screens that we miss the beauty world. Another way technology can be affecting our happiness is through cyberbullying. According to “25 percent of report that they have experienced repeated bullying via their cell phone or on the internet.” without cutting out all technology, how do be synthesize happiness?

Happiness is a lifestyle. We can choose to be happy by doing things like exercising, being around people you love or having hobbies. “Not only does it actively make you happy, but pumping iron can also help conquer mental health issues. Even a short workout session acts as your own internal antidepressant: your sweaty body produces an enzyme called KAT that turns harmful molecules into acids that are easily wiped away from your muscles and brain.” (MensHealth.com) exercise is obviously good for you but in more ways than just fitness. Exercise releases a protein called BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) which is basically a feel good chemical. Exercise also helps you sleep better, makes you feel more productive and boost your self-esteem. “For men, physical activity, outdoor hobbies and volunteer work were also linked with happiness. The cheeriest women attended both church and sports events. Cause-and-effect isn’t certain (maybe happier people take in more culture rather than the other way around), but the message is clear: It can’t hurt to get out there.”   (Stephanie Pappas, Live Science Contributor) having a hobby increases happiness because when you have a hobby you generally have a chance to make friends that have the interests or morals as you. Hobbies also help you experience flow.

Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy by your daily routines, habits and hobbies. You have to find what works for you. What makes you happy?


Anwar, Yasmin. “Clap Your Hands: ‘Science of Happiness’ Relaunches Sept. 8.” Berkeley News.

N.p., 18 Aug. 2015. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.

Bernardo, Richie. “2015’s Most and Least Happy States in America.”WalletHub. N.p., n.d. Web. 02        Nov. 2015. <https://wallethub.com/edu/most-least-happy-states-in-america/6959/&gt;.

“Cyber Bullying Statistics 2014.” NoBullyingBullying CyberBullying Resources. N.p., 24 Feb. 2014.         Web. 02 Nov. 2015. <http://nobullying.com/cyber-bullying-statistics-2014/&gt;.

“Flow.” Pursuit of Happiness. N.p., 25 Mar. 2010. Web. 02 Nov. 2015. <http://www.pursuit-of-


Gilbert, Dan. “The Surprising Science of Happiness.” Ted. N.p., Feb. 2004. Web. 25 Oct. 2015.


Happy. Dir. Roko Belic. Perf. Marci Shimoff. Happy. N.p., 2011. Web. 23 Oct. 2015.

JOSEPHS, ALLISON. “Is Technology Decreasing Our Happiness?” Jew in the City. N.p., 01 Oct.

  1. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.

Pappas, By Stephanie. “7 Things That Will Make You Happy.” LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 15       Dec. 2011. Web. 03 Nov. 2015. <http://www.livescience.com/17511-7-happy.html&gt;

“6 Ways Exercise Will Make You Happy.” – Men’s Health. N.p., 15 Sept. 2015. Web. 02 Nov. 2015.             <http://www.menshealth.co.uk/healthy/6-ways-exercise-will-make-you-happy1&gt;.

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