Who am I and how can I prove it?

Who am I? Good question. I am a leader, an extrovert, very motivated, not very good at math and many other things or at least that’s what I thought, and I may have been right. This week I put that to the test by taking various test that tell me what kind of person I am. The test I took were; Myers Briggs Personality test, Gardener Multiple Intelligences test and The Grit test.

When I think of who I was, who I am and who I want to be I can be basic. I was a performer, I am a performer and I want to be a performer. But if I think deeper about it I don’t just want to be a performer. I want to inspire people with my story. I want to teach people like me at this age and show them that they need to have grit to become success full. I wouldn’t consider myself to be amazingly intelligent but I believe that if you have the drive to become more intelligent and to complete long term goals you don’t need to be the smartest person in the room. Although my grit score was 3.4 which is a little above average I have the grit to improve my grit.

When it comes to grit I have a habit of having grit in places that I enjoy but not as much grit if it’s a subject I don’t like. For example: I have a high level of grit in theatre because even though I get ensemble a lot that’s never stopped me from pushing myself and going for bigger roles but when it comes to things like math I have a lower level of grit. When I took the Gardeners Multiple Intelligences test my lowest intelligence was mathematical.

Growth mindset is something that is very important, especially when going to a project based school because need to me self-motivated. I hadn’t heard of growth mindset until freshman year and ever since then I have been trying to apply it in my everyday life. I’ve definitely seen a difference in my attitude towards difficult situations but I still have room to improve which I saw when we took the Fixed vs. Growth Mindset Self-Assessment and the online quiz about growth mindset.

I learned a lot about myself after taking the Myers-Briggs test. The test result was ENTP which stands for extrovert, intuition, thinking and perceiving. The description of ENTP was “One exciting challenge after another.” I agree with my result because I am an extroverted person. I like being around large groups of friends and rarely have a problem with getting up and talking in front of large groups of people. I go with my intuition because I tend to think with my feeling instead of the cold hard facts. I’m a thinker because I don’t worry as much about being as I do getting my work done. I’m a perceiving person because I can be organized but I like to go with the flow.

I feel that I know myself quite well. My guesses of who I was before taking the test were close to my result I am proud of my result. The test showed me that who I want to be is something I’m very capable of.

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