The Myers Briggs Test

The Myers-Briggs Personality test is a test that distinguishes your personality between things like introvert and extrovert or perceiving and judging. The end result is four letters that tell you what personality type you are. For example my letters were ENTP. I that means I am The Originator. My guess of what my results might be was ENFJ. I got the first two right but the second two wrong. I wasn’t sure on the last two in my original guess to I’m not surprised that I got different answers but I was pretty positive that I was more of an F (feeling) than a T (thinking). I know I’m an extrovert and I was quite confident in the fact that I am an intuitive person. That’s why I get the first two letters right. I would say that I agree with my results that say I am The Originator.

ENTP personality types are project oriented, enjoy generating ideas and theories, dislike routine and detailed tasks, natural leaders but don’t like to control people and have excellent people skills. I think a good career for ENTP people would be fundraiser or event coordinator, consultants, actors and market personnel. Now what my letters are gives me more confidence to use my people skills.

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